1. Report -

    Read the annual report for Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham to find out how we engaged with local residents about the challenges the Covid-19 pandemic brought to health and social care services.
  2. News -

    Following an expert review of fire safety at the vacant Samaritan Hospital, which is adjacent to the Western Eye Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare have taken the precaution of relocating some services from the Western Eye Hospital while a more detailed investigation and remedial work takes place.
  3. News -

    Patients, carers, service user groups, and other stakeholders are being asked for their views on the proposal to move Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s specialist infectious diseases inpatients service.
  4. News -

    Please note: A Consultants' strike is taking place from 7am on Thursday 24 August, until 7am on Saturday 26 August. Some health services might be affected. Contact us or NHS for support.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments? Take a look at how they can help you.
  6. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback of pharmacies that was collected between October and December 2020 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  7. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between January and March 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  8. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between April and June 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  9. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between July and September 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  10. Advice and Information -

    What is dandruff and how can it be treated? Our Engagement and Projects Officer, Chloe, explores.
  11. Report -

    We are delighted to publish our Annual Report for 2022-23. Read about the work we carried out throughout the past year and the impact we made in the local community.
  12. Blog -

    Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham has just launched a new questionnaire to find out how the ongoing rise in the cost of living is impacting local people’s access to health and social care in Hammersmith and Fulham, and the effect this has on their health and wellbeing. We want to know how people in all areas of the borough are affected, and to help ensure rising costs are not a barrier to healthcare.

    Complete our questionnaire for a chance to win a £25 voucher!
  13. Blog -

    Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham has extended the deadline of its cost of living and health survey to Sunday 19 November, 5pm. This is to hear from more young people aged 18-24 as this is an important cohort that we have not heard enough from so far.
  14. Blog -

    Find out about Melissa Cohen's experience of working with Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham during her 6-week internship this summer!