1. Report -

    Read the annual report for Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham to find out how we engaged with local residents about the challenges the Covid-19 pandemic brought to health and social care services.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
  3. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  4. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between January and March 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  5. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between April and June 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  6. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between July and September 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  7. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between October and December 2021 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  8. Report -

    Report on hospital experiences of people from different ethnic groups.
  9. Report -

    Report on our two Enter & View visits to the Charing Cross Hospital Discharge Lounge in October 2021.
  10. Advice and Information -

    The NHS wants to make it easier and safer for patients to get the right treatment when they need it, without waiting a long time to be seen in A&E. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
  11. Advice and Information -

    The usual processes the NHS follows to discharge you from hospital have changed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what you can expect when it’s time to leave hospital.
  12. Report -

    We are delighted to publish our Annual Report for 2021-22. Read about the work we carried out and the impact we made in the local community.
  13. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between January and March 2022 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  14. Report -

    Report on our two Enter & View visits to the Charing Cross Hospital Discharge Lounge in March 2022.
  15. Advice and Information -

    Find out the signs and symptoms of monkeypox, what to do if you think you have it and who is eligible for a vaccine.
  16. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between April and June 2022 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  17. Report -

    Read the report on patient feedback collected between July and September 2022 and the key findings emerging from the data.
  18. Report -

    London Ambulance Service commissioned Healthwatch organisations across London to undertake engagement activities to collect feedback that will contribute to the development of their new strategy. Here you can read the findings from the feedback collected by Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham.
  19. Report -

    We are delighted to publish our Annual Report for 2022-23. Read about the work we carried out throughout the past year and the impact we made in the local community.
  20. Advice and Information -

    The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide National Health Service (NHS) or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.
  21. Report -

    Report on experiences of GP services by different ethnic groups.
  22. Advice and Information -

    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.